Achille Marchionni

Founder partner



Graduated in Economics, University of Urbino, “Carlo Bo”, 1973; graduated (cum laude) in Law, University of Urbino, “Carlo Bo”, 1997.

Membership in Professional Associations

Admitted to practice before the Italian Supreme Court in 2015; admitted to the Italian Bar since 2001; admitted to the Italian Chartered Accountants Roll in 1974; admitted to the Italian Register of Auditors in 1995.

Professional Experience

Achille Marchionni founded the Marchionni Law Firm in 1974; in 2000, he established Marchionni & Partners along with Claudio Sanchioni. Prior to developing extensive experience in the administrative and commercial fields, Achille Marchionni acquired managerial experience at manufacturing companies. He then progressed professionally in the tax and corporate fields, focusing on M&A transactions, corporate reorganization and tax litigation. His career highlights to date include the presidency and memberships of various Boards of Management and Statutory Auditors of industrial and financial institutions.

Academic Activity

Adjunct professor of Commercial Criminal Law at the University of Urbino School of Law since 2001. He is the author of various works and publications in specialist magazines and a speaker at national conferences.

Institutional Appointments

President of the Disciplinary Board at the Chartered Accountants Associations of Pesaro and Urbino; Member of the Board of Directors of Banca dell’Adriatico S.p.A., Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group from 2013 to 2016; Vice President of Banca dell’Adriatico S.p.A., Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group from 2000 to 2013; President of the Chartered Accountants Associations of Pesaro from 1987 to 1999; Council Secretary of the Chartered Accountants Association of Pesaro from 1980 to 1987.


Tax Law and Tax Planning; Corporate Law and Business Contracts; Bankruptcy Law and Proceedings; Merger, Acquisition  and Corporate Reorganization; Tax Litigation.


Italian, English, French


+39 0721 32075

+39 0721 33367





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