Privacy protection information

Information on personal data processing

RE: information and consent request in conformity with articles  13, 23 and 26 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (so-called Personal Data Protection Code) pertaining to safeguarding the processing of personal data.

The privacy act (Legislative Decree no. 196/2003) provides a series of rights for data subjects. Since you will be affected by how our firm processes data, you have the right to be informed about how your data will be processed and the rights granted you by the law.

In compliance with the above regulations, we hereby inform you that:

  1. Processing of data will only be used to assist you in your request for information.
  2. The data will be utilized and processed with the assistance of number of instruments, including computer-based.
  3. The following individuals and representatives of Studio Marchionni & Partners. could have access to the supplied information: employees and collaborators who process and archive the information. 
  4. Any data processing operation connected with the Web services provided on this website shall be carried out at the offices of Studio Marchionni & Partners, solely by employees, consultants, associates or partners of Studio Marchionni & Partners in charge of the processing of data, or by persons entrusted with occasional maintenance operations. No data deriving from the Web service shall be disclosed or disseminated.
  5. The data will be archived and stored by Studio Marchionni & Partners at its offices in Pesaro, at Viale F.lli Rosselli no. 46, 61121 for twelve (12) months from the date they are submitted and may therefore be used for making contact and any future meetings that may be deemed necessary. At the end of the above period of time, all personal data for the candidate will be definitively removed from the archive and cancelled. 
  6. You are eligible for the rights provided for in art. 7 of the above-mentioned act, and in particular the right to have access to your personal data, request their modification, up-dating and cancellation if they are incomplete or erroneous, as well as refuse to have them be processed. To exercise this right, contact Studio Marchionni & Partners mailing to

The full text of art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 pertaining to the rights of data subjects is available on the Privacy Protection website:




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