
This website contains general information and documents regarding Studio Marchionni & Partners, which are published for informational purposes only. All information, material, illustrations and documents contained in this website are protected by copyright laws and shall not be used without the express consent of Studio Marchionni & Partners. All material published on this website is the exclusive property of Studio Marchionni & Partners. Studio Marchionni & Partners does not intend to, and shall not, provide any legal advice and/or legal opinion through this website. Accordingly, Studio Marchionni & Partners shall not be liable for any costs, expenses, losses or damages that might derive from the use of this website and/or from the reliance upon the information contained herein.




Concordato preventivo biennale: le prescrizioni del Garante della Privacy

Secondo quanto previsto dal Garante per



Telelavoro frontalieri Italia-Svizzera: da quando e come si applica il protocollo

E’ operativo il nuovo protocollo tra Italia